Rampp Small Rope Socket with Swivel: A Must-Have for Service Rigs
The Rampp Small Rope Socket with Swivel is an essential tool for every service rig, designed to streamline operations and improve efficiency. This versatile tool features a swivel sub that threads into the rope socket and transitions to a sucker rod female thread. This setup allows you to easily connect jars, a sinker bar, and a swab or brooch to your string of tools. Additionally, it provides direct attachment to wire line, sand pump, or dart valve bailer using the threaded sub on top. The swivel mechanism enables smooth, free spinning of tools during extraction, reducing the risk of twisting the wire line. For more demanding applications, the rope socket can be quickly separated from the swivel and used with a quick-change rope socket for heavy-duty well maintenance. Optional thread protectors are available for enhanced protection in quick-change applications.